There is a fine dividing line between enough work and too much work. Remember, it takes 72 hours to rebuild tissue after this type of workout. Maximum pump workouts should not be employed more often than once a week. It only keeps it pumped up and bloated, but you cannot grow on this much work. This is not theory, but fact!!! (This is a major fault I find with most beginners.) I would like to point out here that maximum pump at every workout does not build tissue. I have seen this happen to top physique stars, as well as myself. Anything above or beyond this is overwork and causes the muscle to contract and lose its blood supply. Clancy Ross and Bill Pearl both claim that if you can’t get a workout in 15 sets, you are not concentrating properly. I have found that the maximum amount of sets that can be performed to create a maximum pump to a muscle, is 12 sets. It is more work to run a mile than 100 yards, but the sprinter is doing more work per second. The overload principle explains why sprinters have larger leg development than longdistance runners. This is known as the “overload principle”. (This is a form of Progressive Resistance.) It does not matter how much work you do. (Push yourself.) I feel workouts should be timed, and constantly strive to shorten the time it takes to get through your routine. Also, to acquire larger muscles, you must increase the intensity of work done within a given time. Jogging.ĭEVELOPING MUSCLE by Vince Gironda This consists of two parts – developing more capillaries and more nerve pathways, or better and stronger nerve impulses to the muscle. Unwillingness to accept new or different concepts. Not having an expert to answer your questions. Not keeping chin on chest, feet under face and elbows wide on parallel dips for pecs. Not selecting the proper exercise for deficient muscle areas.

Not working Hyperextensions and forearms on every upper body day. Behind neck Chins on Pull-down Machine (Rounded Back.) 18.

Under working and over working a muscle by performing too wide a variety of exercises on a given muscle. (90% Deltoid if not performed this way.) 10. Not touching all four bells together on dumbbell bench work. Not raising up on the big toe when doing Toe Raises (also pulling heels together at counteraction.) 8. Not touching chest to bar and calling it chinning. Working upper body and legs on the same day. Over training! (Anything over 45 minutes is over training.) 2. Gironda has not only proved the worth of his knowledge on his own body, but is responsible for training many title winning bodybuilders spanning more than 30 years in which he has run his own gym in California. Gironda Gems COMMON ERRORS IN BODYBUILDING By Vince Gironda Not all the experts will agree with this list of common errors in bodybuilding, but Mr.